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Do you know that you can run the VPN 360 on a PC? Well, the Android version of VPN 360 can be utilized as VPN 360 PC. We will show you the steps to download VPN 360 for PC. This app will run on any Windows 7/8/10 and macOS-powered computer.
About VPN 360
Stay safe from cyber threats and hackers with the help of VPN 360 unlimited and free VPN Proxy service. It is one of the very top and most trusted services out there. The most important feature and emphasis of
VPN 360 to make public hotspots as well as non-trustworthy WiFi routers safe to use. This means that people should feel safe to use their social accounts, make transactions, and whatsoever while using VPN 360 without any fear of getting hacked.

Unblock geo-restricted sites with VPN 360
Every now and then, everyone faces the issue of having some blocked sites in their countries or cities. These include the likes of Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Prime and many others. To be fair, these sites are some of the best services out there. It is totally unfair to not have access to these.
VPN 360 solves this issue by offering unlimited access to blocked sites directly. Moreover, the fast servers spread across the globe ensure fastest possible connection. You also get unlimited bandwidth so that you can watch your favorite content for as long as you want!
Protect your data on WiFi Hotspots using VPN 360
Another cool use of VPN 360 unlimited free VPN proxy is securing the use of any WiFi hotspot. This ensures that anyone can use WiFi at restaurants, hotels, stations, airports etc without fear of getting spoofed. Hackers can intercept the data being sent to and from the WiFi routers. This data, if unencrypted, is open to malicious users. It could contain sensitive data like passwords, Credit Card information and more.
In order to secure the usage of such WiFi routers, VPN 360 encrypts all the traffic from the device. This encryption ensures that hackers can never get access to this data.
Hide IP Address and Physical Address
Sometimes it is important to hide your personal address while using internet. Moreover, it is also important to hide the IP Address. Therefore, by installing VPN 360, the IP Address of a server, far away from your location is sent to the requesting party. This in turn protects your personal info from intruding parties.
How to install VPN 360 for PC
The first step is setting up an Android emulator. If you are having trouble finding one for yourself, then visit this Page. It contains a list of most reliable and lightweight Android emulators. It also lists their pros and cons along with supported systems. Therefore, it is pretty easy to make a choice here.
Once the Android emulator is up and running, follow one of two methods to install VPN 360 for PC. Either install VPN 360 on PC by installing APK. This APK is installed from a third party source. Or you can simply login to Google account on the Android OS in emulator. This will enable the Google Play Store. Search for “VPN 360” in Play Store and then tap on install. Once installed, enjoy using VPN 360 on PC.
Following above mentioned method will ensure that you can use VPN 360 for PC on laptops, desktop computers and Macs. This works for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Mac OSX.