The Walking Dead A New Frontier for PC and Laptop

The long wait is about to end with your favorite and most anticipated game being released in the coming month. The game being discussed here is none other than The Walking Dead A New Frontier. Yes, the final chapter of one of Telltale’s most successful game series is about to be released in the coming weeks. Telltale will release The Walking Dead A New Frontier for a number of operating systems including the Android and iOS. While there will be an official version for PC fans, still, there are some who would like to download the Android version of The Walking Dead A New Frontier for PC and laptops. For your ease, we have come with the instructions to help you out with the installation.The Walking Dead A New Frontier

While the first three episodes of the walking dead series weren’t as successful as the fourth was, we hope that the coming one will supersede the predecessors. For those who have no idea about the Walking Dead series, it is basically based on the popular TV series The Walking Dead. Coming back to The Walking Dead A New Frontier, it will start off from where the previous Walking Dead game ended. Like the previous games, The Walking Dead A New Frontier is about surviving against the deadly zombies. The story takes many twists and turns and will leave you amazed. Since The Walking Dead A New Frontier is kind of a big deal for the fans, we do not want to give away too much.

Aside from the walking dead series, Telltale has produced a couple of other blockbusters as well including the Batman The Enemy Within and the Wolf Among Us. If you are too eager to know about The Walking Dead A New Frontier, here’s a link to Telltale’s official forum. You can join the discussion on the forum as well as watch the trailer of The Walking Dead A New Frontier. However, note that there are some spoilers in the video given at the forum.

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While the game may not be out yet, here’s the way to play the Android version of The Walking Dead A New Frontier on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC/Laptops and OS X powered MacBook/iMac.

Download and Install The Walking Dead A New Frontier for PC – Windows & Mac

  1. First, download and install the Android Emulator of your choice, here’s how you can Install Android Emulators to run Apps for PC.
  2. After successfully downloading and setting up the Emulator, launch it.
  3. Now in the first row of installed apps, look for Google play store search menu.
  4. Upon locating the search menu type, The Walking Dead A New Frontier to get Google play store’s search results.
  5. From the search results, select The Walking Dead A New Frontier and click on it to initiate the installation.
  6. Once the installation is complete, you’ll find The Walking Dead A New Frontier in All Apps section.
  7. That’s it, just click on The Walking Dead A New Frontier to run it on big screens.

Download and Install The Walking Dead A New Frontier for PC via Apk file

  1. Before proceeding with this method make sure you have Android Emulator installed on your PC. Here’s how to install Android Emulators.
  2. Now download The Walking Dead A New Frontier for PC apk.
  3. Once the download is complete, navigate the folder containing The Walking Dead A New Frontier apk.
  4. After locating the apk file, double-click it to initiate the installation. You can also open the file via Emulator as well.
  5. When installed, you’ll find The Walking Dead A New Frontier in All Apps section.
  6. Simply click on it to launch it on big screens.
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In case you are facing any issue, let us know in the comments section below.

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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