Download and Install Bluestacks, Bluestacks 2, Andy OS, Remix OS and Remix OS Player to run Apps for PC

Since the launch, both Android and iOS Operating Systems are revolutionizing the application and gaming industry. Hundreds of useful applications and intuitive games are making their way into their respective app stores. However, this huge industry despite being fueled up by apps and games on daily basis isn’t enough to entertain. One of many reasons not all can enjoy their favorite games and apps is the device restriction since all these apps and games are developed for smartphone and tablets powered by Android or iOS. In the beginning, smart devices were the only platform to access applications and games but then Android’s open nature paved a path for developers to come up with Android Emulators to run apps for PC.

Android Emulators are applications that let us play our favorite games on PC’s/Laptops running Windows and OS X powered Macbook/iMac. There could be multiple reasons why you were unable to enjoy the amazing applications and games of play store but now with Android Emulators there is no apparent reason to not let yourself amazed by the vast world of Android apps and games. You can enjoy number of your desired apps and games that are available for Android and iOS users. Whether you are running out of storage, get tired of small screen display or worried about the battery life of your smart device, with Android Emulator installed on your Windows PC and Mac you can enjoy any application or game on big screens.

We have picked the top 5 Android Emulators that enables you to run Android apps on your Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC/Laptop and OS X powered Macbook/iMac. Now it’s up to you, we suggest you go through the whole guide and decide which Android Emulator suits you.


With millions of users worldwide, Bluestacks is one of the leading Android Emulator that makes it possible for you to access your favorite applications and games on your Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC’s/Laptops and Mac OS X powered Macbook/iMac. Bluestacks has been around for quite some time now and in this span, we have seen quite enough other Emulators as well, but still, it is preferred over all the others with exceptions of course. Unlike other Android Emulators, you won’t face lagging or compatibility issues while using Bluestacks. The best thing about Bluestacks is that over the time it has been updated and equipped with latest features so that it can compete with its rival Emulators. When Bluestacks has both the features and easy-to-navigate user interface, you shouldn’t be looking for something else. Let’s see how it is downloaded and installed on Windows PC and Mac OS X devices.

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How to Download and Install Apps for PC via Bluestacks

Follow the links to download the latest version of Bluestacks. Once downloaded, initiate the installation by clicking on the downloaded file.

Windows | Mac

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and soon you’ll be asked to accept the agreement. While prompting it will download some additional file. Sit back and relax through that.
  2. After downloading files, the installation will resume and you’ll get to look at Bluestack’s user interface loaded with some applications.
  3. Upon completion of installation, you’ll be asked to setup Google play store.bluestacks_for_pc_5
  4. That’s easy, navigate to Settings>Manage Accounts>Google. Follow the instructions and setup Google play store.
  5. Now navigate back to Home and select any of the pre-installed applications, this will launch Google play store.
  6. A pop-up notice will ask you to enable App sync, select the Enable App Sync option.bluestacks_for_pc_4
  7. Congratulations! you have installed Bluestacks successfully, head over to Home and installed your desired application like you do on your Android device.bluestacks_for_pc_6

Bluestacks 2

Due to overwhelming response and loads of features when developers could not cope with all the tweaking with Bluestacks, they decided to roll out a successor, Bluestacks 2. Though Bluestacks itself was way ahead of its rival Emulators, Bluestacks 2 is much better than its predecessor and introduces us to tones of new features. Among its spotlight features are the seamless user interface and ability to run multiple applications simultaneously. Now that you have finally found something better than Bluestacks, let’s see how it is installed on Windows PC and Mac OS X.

How to run Apps for PC with Bluestacks 2

  1. First, grab the latest version of Bluestacks 2 for your Windows XP/7/8/10 running  PC’s.
  2. Now navigate to the folder containing downloaded file and initiate the installation process.
  3. If this is your first time with any Android Emulator, just follow the instructions and let the installer download some application data.
  4. Upon setup completion, you’ll be asked to setup Google play store. Navigate to Settings>Manage Accounts>Google, either add your existing account or create a new one for this purpose.bluestacks_for_pc_3
  5. In case of Bluestacks 2, you’ll also require to configure Bluestacks account as well, follow the on-screen instruction and complete configuration.
  6. After that a pop-up notification will ask you to enable app sync, you must enable App Sync as it makes Google play store function properly on Bluestacks.
  7. Now navigate back to Home, launch Google play store and install any of your desired application.bluestacks_2_for_pc_2
  8. That’s all! you have successfully installed Bluestacks 2.

Andy OS

It’s been quite a while since Android Emulators made their first appearance and revolutionized the application and gaming industry. Being the leading Emulators Bluestacks works almost for everyone, however, if due to some reason Bluestacks isn’t working, we have Andy OS for you, for some it turns out to be even better than both the versions of Bluestacks. Though Andy OS couldn’t become as famous as Bluestacks is but sure it has all the qualities and features any other Emulator, giving you a new feel, quite different from other Android Emulators. It breaks the barrier between your Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC/Laptops and OS X powered Macbook/iMac. Andy OS even comes handy when you run out of storage and lets you use your smart device as a controller while playing games on Windows PC and Mac. It keeps you updated with the latest Android version and with every second passing more and more features and improvements are introduced. Andy opens up the doors of play stores containing more than 2 million applications and games to you, let’s take a look at its installation process in detail.

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How to Download and Install Apps for PC with Andy OS

First, head over to the links provided below and download the latest version of Andy OS. Once downloaded, initiate the installation by clicking on the downloaded file.

Windows | Mac

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation process.andy_os_for_pc_1
  2. Upon completion, launch Andy OS, at first it will boot which requires a significant amount of time. Just sit back and relax through that.
  3. Once Andy OS boots itself, you’ll see a sleek interface of Andy OS. From here on, everything is easy.
  4. Setup Google play store by adding a Google account, you can either create a new one for this purpose or can use existing one as well.
  5. Now navigate back to Home and launch Google play store. In play store look for your desired application and install it like you normally do on your Android device.andy_os_for_pc_2
  6. That’s it! you have successfully installed Andy OS.

Remix OS

So far we have in our list we have introduced you to Bluestacks and Andy OS, next is Remix OS. Released quite recently, Remix OS takes your Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC and OS X powered Mac to a whole new level and lest you enjoy millions of applications and games. Being the latest Android Emulator, Remix comes packed with the latest features and gives you a new way with your PC devices but at the same time, its installation is a bit tricky as compare to Bluestacks and Andy OS.remix_os_for_pc_1

Remix OS doesn’t require you to save space for any kind of storage however, you’ll need USB Pen drive in order to install it. It unpacks itself as an improvised version and installs itself on the Pen drive, which then you insert in your Windows PC and Mac. Let’s see how it is done.

How to Install Apps for PC via Remix OS

Visit the links provided below and download Remix OS for your Windows PC and Mac.

32-bit (Legacy BIOS) | 64-bit (UEFI and Legacy BIOS)

Windows Users

  1. Inside the downloaded package, you’ll find both the ISO file and a USB tool.
  2. Connect your Pen drive and launch USB tool.
  3. Now follow the instructions and select RemixOS ISO file to initiate the installation of Remix OS on the pen drive.remix_os_for_pc_1
  4. Upon installation restart your PC while pen drive connected.
  5. While the system is rebooting press F12 and choose USB Storage Device from the options.
  6. Once you are done with storage selection, a new option menu will ask you to select either a Guest Mode or a Resident Mode, choose Resident Mode and proceed.
  7. The hard part is over, some necessary files will be installed before the first boot.
  8. That’s all Windows user, you have installed Remix OS on your PC.
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Mac Users

  1. Extract the downloaded package containing ISO file and USB tool using WinRAR or 7Zip.
  2. A pop-up notification will appear, open it and provide the location of ISO file to initiate the installation.
  3. Once the installation on Pen drive is complete, you’ll be asked to reboot your PC.
  4. Leave the USB Pen drive connected and reboot your PC. While rebooting press Option key to navigate to the boot menu.
  5. Now from the options, select Windows, this will boot up the Remix OS.
  6. Once you are done with booting into Remix OS, choose the Resident Mode from the provided options.
  7. Congratulations! you have finally installed the most complicated Android Emulator.remix_os_for_pc_2

Remix OS Player

Remix OS was better in many ways than most of the other Android Emulators but soon after its launch, it became obvious that installing Remix OS is far more complicated than other Android Emulators. Not too long ago Jide released Remix OS Player, that works even better than Remix OS and is easy to install as well. It works pretty much similar to Bluestacks and Andy OS and gives you the smoothest, glitch free Android experience. It even lets you decide the amount of RAM you want to allocate it, that will surely come in handy while managing between Remix OS Player and other applications.remix_os_player_for_pc_1

After all the things we have mentioned it is quite clear that unlike Remix OS, Remix OS Player doesn’t put you through a complicated installation process. Let’s take a look how much easy Jide actually made installing Remix OS Player.

How to run Apps for PC via Remix OS Player

  1. Download the latest edition of Jide’s Remix OS Player for PC.

Installer Download | Mirror Download

  1. The setup file will be downloaded in the form of self-extracting zip file.
  2. Once you’ll specify the destination folder, the setup files will be extracted.
  3. Now run the extracted RemixOSPlayer.exe file to initiate the installation.
  4. That’s it, you have successfully installed Remix OS Player.remix_os_player_for_pc_3

How to run Apps for PC using Remix OS Player

  1. Launch the Remix OS Player by clicking the RemixOSPlayer.exe.
  2. On startup, it will ask you to configure advanced options, that’s where you allocate RAM and CPU Cores to Remix OS Player.
  3. After allocating the resources just sit back, as it will prepare for the further process.
  4. Once the phase is over, choose the language you want Remix OS Player to operate in upon asking.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and choose the applications you want to install in app recommendations.
  6. Now activate Google play store by clicking on the next.remix_os_player_for_pc_2
  7. Navigate back to Home screen and launch Google play store to install your desired apps and games.

That’s all from our end, if you are having trouble installing any of them, let us know in the comments.

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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