Download U-Dictionary for PC Laptop (Win/Mac)

U-Dictionary is one of the most comprehensive tools for not only learning a language, but mastering it. It offers tools like real-time translation, translating a text in photo, checking pronunciation in both American and British accents and fun games / activities to make it interactive. However, this is just the tip of iceberg. It offers translation between 108 different languages. Since this is such a useful app, we are going to go through the steps to install U-Dictionary for PC on a Windows or Mac system. And yes, it works just as flawless as it would work on a smartphone.

U-Dictionary for pc win mac

Translate over 108 languages

U-Dictionary uses resources like Collins Dictionary and WordNet Dictionary to enable translation among 108 different languages. Users can translate text between two texts anytime. This app is primarily used for learning English, however, it has number of other uses as well.

In addition to the basic meaning of words, users can also get a list of antonyms, synonyms and popular phrases with that word in it. It is a great tool to get familiar with a language someone can just speak or understand.

Fun games and activities to help you learn English

The time-tested method of learning English or any other language is through fun and interactive activities. In today’s time, games are more prevalent and help even more. Therefore, those who want to strengthen their grip on English language, can always play built-in games to learn new words and phrases. This method of learning works faster since it allow students to associate words with something. It is far useful rather than just reading a new word everyday. We never get a new word into our system until we can either associate it with something or use it regularly.

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Quick Translate & Camera Translation

From all the features in U-Dictionary app, these two are probably the most useful of the lot. The quick translate feature allows its users to highlight text anywhere on their device. It could be a webpage or another app. U-Dictionary’s pop up menu shows meaning of that highlighted word.

The camera translation works in same way as Google Translate. Take a picture of any text and it will detect and translate it for you. However, the number of languages yet supported by this feature are yet limited.

How to install U-Dictionary for PC

When it comes to learning a new language or just improving your vocabulary of already familiar language, a good interactive tool always helps. Therefore, U-Dictionary is one of the best free tools out there. It offers real-time translation and lot of other useful features. Therefore, why just have it on a mobile? Use the instructions given below to install and use U-Dictionary on PC. It works on laptops with both Windows and Mac OSX. Moreover, use it as an educational tool in lab computers in institutions. Since it is basically an Android app, we install it via an Android emulator. You can find the detailed installation steps along with required downloads below.

Follow these simple steps to install U-Dictionary for PC on both Windows and Mac laptops.

Total Time: 4 minutes

Download and install Bluestacks 4 or Nox Player

If someone is running Windows OS on their PC (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10), then go ahead and install Bluestacks 4. It is the best emulator for playing U-Dictionary on Windows PC right now. On the other hand, Mac users should install Nox Player on their machines. You can Download Bluestacks from HERE. And Nox Player from HERE. 

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Install U-Dictionary on Bluestacks 4 / Nox via APK or Play Store

Once the Android emulator is installed and properly set up, next step is to install U-Dictionary on PC. This is done in two possible steps. Either use the Google account or just ignore this steps and install U-Dictionary APK directly. In order to install U-Dictionary PC via Play Store, first login with your Google account in the installer emulator. Next up, open the Play Store, search for “U-Dictionary” and click on Search. Tap on the U-Dictionary icon in search results and Install button in next screen. The app icon is added to app menu automatically.Alternatively, just download U-Dictionary APK from a reliable source, place it on your desktop, open Bluestacks or Nox and select Install APK option. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded APK and open it. The emulator will handle installation from here on.

Start using U-Dictionary for PC and learn English

Since this app is specifically designed for touchscreen interface, therefore, it is vital to map all controls to keyboard and mouse. It is quite easy to do so on Bluestacks 4. Just click on the keyboard icon in top bar inside the app. Then click anywhere on screen and set a keyboard or mouse key accordingly. Similarly, add joysticks and other movements keys for mouse using given controls.

This is pretty much it. The entire process of installing U-Dictionary for PC takes little time and effort. Feel free to leave your feedback and comments below.

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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