MeWe for PC – Use for Free on Windows 10, Mac

Get the MeWe app on PC. It is an uplifting next-gen social network with awesome social features. No Ads, No Targeting, No Newsfeed manipulation.

MeWe for Mac

What is the MeWe for PC app

MeWe for PC is the subscription-based social network that emphasizes privacy and bills itself as the anti-Facebook.

When it comes to chat, again it’s pretty much the same as other chat apps. You can video call, voice call, send regular chats and secret chats. Secret chats are end-to-end encrypted, and although it’s an in-app subscription, you can try it free for 30 days.

Although the site has many similarities to Facebook, MeWe for Windows has been called the “anti-Facebook” due to its strict rules about protecting users’ privacy that Facebook hasn’t had.

Why you should use it

MeWe PC app claims to be an innovative social platform. It brands itself as an uplifting, ad-free, targeting-free, and safe place for people to express any thoughts and feelings they may have. Users can share photos, videos, documents, voice messages, chats, GIFs, and more.

They can interact directly with another user, in a group of two or more people, or in an open community forum formed around a shared interest or hobby. There are more than 266,000 open groups on the platform, and they can be built around anything from similar ideologies to a love of classic cars to an appreciation for tasty vegan food.

MeWe app on PC

Are there any Privacy Concerns

MeWe on PC offers an alternative to many other social media applications in how it is funded and its focus on privacy. For those who worry about Facebook and other company’s lack of privacy protections, this social media application is one of the most prominent other options. If it can be successfully run without advertisements, it may also pave a way for future social media applications to explore alternative funding methods.

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In addition to privacy protections, MeWe also has many features unavailable on other social media platforms. Users can customize their profiles for any specific group they join or create, allowing more privacy. It also allows for voice integration in posts, comments, and messages.

Users can also have themselves removed from the search directory. As it is a free app without advertisements, it generates revenue using different options for additional purchases, such as custom emojis, live voice and video calling, dark mode and other overlays, more storage, and so on. Alternatively, a MeWe Premium subscription provides access to all of those features for a flat monthly rate.


  • While MeWe for PC profiles are private by default, when posting to their profile users also have the option to adjust the setting of each individual post to control who can view that post.
  • Members can search for groups or content that they are interested in. Some groups are public, but to join a private group the creator or an admin of that group must approve your request.
  • Users can use the chat function for conversations with their contacts, and members who are in the same groups, however, users can adjust their privacy settings to restrict this to contacts only. The chat function allows users to send content including text, disappearing images, links, and voice notes.
  • It is possible to Block and Report users if you want to prevent unwanted contact. The blocking and reporting tools can be accessed from within the chat, or through a user’s profile.
MeWe app PC download


The company operates under a freemium model, where its newsfeed, custom camera, ephemeral content, 8 gigs of storage, life voice and video and custom stickers are all free. Businesses can pay for additional features for $1.99 per month.

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MeWe’s premium tier will cost $4.99 per month and the company’s professional service has a two-tiered approach, with a $3.99 and $7.99 price point.

That’s how MeWe plans to stay in business. Since it doesn’t sell access to its users to advertisers, there is a MeWe Store with emojis and the secret chat feature. Presumably more content will be added over time. Getting a secret chat is a subscription costing US$0.99 per month or US$5.99 per year. Other than that the app is free.

MeWe for PC

How to Install the MeWe app on Windows and Mac

  1. Use the BlueStacks emulator on your PC.
  2. Run the .exe file on your PC to start the installation wizard.
  3. On the home screen of the emulator, click on the PlayStore app icon to open it
  4. Search for the MeWe app on the search bar
  5. Click on the install button
  6. You will be asked o Log in using your Google ID to start the download process.

You can use this amazing social media app on your smartphone as well, follow this LINK to get the app.

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