Download Posteroid for PC Win/Mac

Photo editing was initially made famous by Photoshop. However, overtime, it has gotten more popular among pros. Some apps take certain parts or features of it and turn into minimal editing apps. Posteroid is one such example. It makes cool designs and posters much easier. In this article, learn how to install and use Posteroid for PC. It is a very useful photo transforming app, mainly focused on making posters and making beautiful captions on pictures.

download Posteroid for pc win mac

Transform your own photos into posters!

Posteroid is not your typical beautifying app. It focuses mainly on creating poster-esque pictures using user’s chosen photos. The most basic editing tool is adding text. It has number of tools to make sure that all text is always aligned in center. You can always position in different parts of the picture but center spot is the default one. Moreover, use different fonts as well as modify existing fonts to make creative posters.

Now this tool is not specifically designed for making commercial posters. Use Posteroid to create beautiful and meaningful Instagram posts.

Multiple edits and some filters

Yes, there are some predefined filters. These filters are there to enhance the overall appearance and appeal of these pictures. It enhances colors and other aspects of these photos. Moreover, a single edit is not the final edit. These posters are saved as editable files. You can always come back to the real file and change text, style, text size, colors, filters or whatever. Everything is customizable as long as editable file exists.

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Once the editing is done, simply share your finished banners to social media like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and more.

How to install Posteroid for PC

Posteroid picture editing app is primarily released for Android. Therefore, getting it on laptops and desktops it not straightforward. In order to do so, we have to use an Android Emulator. At this point in time, there are numerous options available on the market. However, the best 2 emulators for using Posteroid on PC are Bluestacks 4 and Nox Player. These work for Windows and Mac respectively. Moreover, there are multiple methods to install it on same emulator. Follow the instructions below for details as well as download links.

Follow these simple steps to install Posteroid for PC on both Windows and Mac systems.

Total Time: 5 minutes

Download and install Bluestacks 4 or Nox Player

If someone is running Windows OS on their PC (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10), then go ahead and install Bluestacks 4. It is the best emulator for playing Posteroid on Windows PC right now. On the other hand, Mac users should install Nox Player on their machines. You can Download Bluestacks from HERE. And Nox Player from HERE. 

Install Posteroid on Bluestacks 4 / Nox via APK or Play Store

Once the Android emulator is installed and properly set up, next step is to install Posteroid on PC. This is done in two possible steps. Either use the Google account or just ignore this steps and install Posteroid APK directly. In order to install Posteroid PC via Play Store, first login with your Google account in the installer emulator. Next up, open the Play Store, search for “Posteroid” and click on Search. Tap on the Posteroid icon in search results and Install button in next screen. The app icon is added to app menu automatically.Alternatively, just download Posteroid APK from a reliable source, place it on your desktop, open Bluestacks or Nox and select Install APK option. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded APK and open it. The emulator will handle installation from here on.

Also, check out:  Download and Install BlueStacks for PC [Windows and Mac]

Run Posteroid on PC and set up Keyboard / Mouse keys

Since this app is specifically designed for touchscreen interface, therefore, it is vital to map all controls to keyboard and mouse. It is quite easy to do so on Bluestacks 4. Just click on the keyboard icon in top bar inside the app. Then click anywhere on screen and set a keyboard or mouse key accordingly. Similarly, add joysticks and other movements keys for mouse using given controls.

This is pretty much it. The entire process of installing Posteroid for PC takes little time and effort. Feel free to leave your feedback and comments below.

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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