Black Desert Mobile for PC – Windows and Mac OS X

Korean Developer Pear Abyss will be releasing one of the most anticipated MMORPG, Black Desert Mobile in the coming days. The game is the remake of the famous PC title, Black Desert Online and somehow, after a long wait, Pear Abyss has finally decided to roll out the awaited mobile version of the game. Although the game is built on the PC version, rest assured there will be mobile-exclusive content too. The theme is so good that even those who have played it on PCs will give it a shot at their smartphones. However, even after the release, many of smartphone users won’t be able to enjoy the game. The reason is specs, while there are those who do not own smartphones, we cannot neglect the ones who run short of specs. Therefore, we have decided to help you get Black Desert Mobile for PC (Windows and Mac).Black Desert Mobile for PC

This way you will not only be able to enjoy the game on big screens but also get to experience the depth of graphics. Black Desert Mobile comes with a range of characters and a unique customization system that lets you change even the appearance of the characters. So basically, you can make the lead character look exactly like you. Much like other MMORPGs, Black Desert Mobile is about battling the evil forces with the help of heroes and powerful weapons. Like the characters, you will be able to get hold on a range of weapons. In addition to that, there are special powers associated with each character, which you will be able to use in dire situations. As far the graphics are concerned, Pearl Abyss has put in some serious efforts and will be a trademark for Black Desert Mobile.Black Desert Mobile for PC

Also, check out:  Enneas Saga for PC - Windows XP/7/8/10 and Mac

Unlike Black Desert Online, Black Desert Mobile won’t follow pay to win approach and will provide a common ground to everyone. You will be able to install it easily on your Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 running PC/Laptops and OS X powered MacBook/iMac devices following the instructions provided below.

Download and Install Black Desert Mobile for PC – Windows & Mac

  1. First, download and install the Android Emulator of your choice, here’s how you can Install Android Emulators to run Apps for PC.
  2. After successfully downloading and setting up the Emulator, launch it.
  3. Now in the first row of installed apps, look for Google play store search menu.
  4. Upon locating the search menu type, Black Desert Mobile to get Google play store’s search results.
  5. From the search results, select Black Desert Mobile and click on it to initiate the installation.
  6. Once the installation is complete, you’ll find Black Desert Mobile in All Apps section.
  7. That’s it, just click on Black Desert Mobile to run it on big screens.

Download and Install Black Desert Mobile for PC via Apk file

  1. Before proceeding with this method make sure you have Android Emulator installed on your PC. Here’s how to install Android Emulators.
  2. Now download Black Desert Mobile for PC apk.
  3. Once the download is complete, navigate the folder containing Black Desert Mobile apk.
  4. After locating the apk file, double-click it to initiate the installation. You can also open the file via Emulator as well.
  5. When installed, you’ll find Black Desert Mobile in All Apps section.
  6. Simply click on it to launch it on big screens.

In case you are facing any issue, let us know in the comments section below.

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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