Download XMEye for PC & Laptop Win 10/8/7

Monitor the cameras and CCTV Equipment directly from your Android with XMEye. It is the perfect solution for keeping a watch on house, office or even kids. XMEye offers remote playback, live stream, cloud login and other means to connect with IPC and DVR. There are tons of useful features that can make this app grow on you.

The most notable feature of this live CCTV streaming application is cloud login system. It means that users do not need same WiFi network to use it. Unlike similar application where laptop/phone and camera need to be on same network, XMEye allows to connect via cloud. This means that users can actually keep a watch from anywhere in the world.

If a proper storage is inserted, then keep a record of all footage as well. All recorded footage is stored in real-time. It is available for playback both on device and remotely. This means that if someone wants to watch an old security footage from few days ago, then it is available online. No need to be one same XMEye for pc

Some of the hardware features include PTZ, bidirectional voice chat and QR Scanning. Using the PTZ control, we can actually move the camera around in real-time and have better view of space. In same way, the intercom in XMEye offers great capabilities if the owner wants to speak to anyone. Also add cameras and IPC via scanning QR Codes.

If the Android device and camera are on same network, then use LAN to search for available devices. This eliminates the need to find their specific IP Addresses and QR codes. What could be more convenient.xmeye for pc win 10

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In order to download and install XMEye for PC, follow the installation instructions below. First of all, install Bluestacks 3 on Windows or Bluestacks on Mac. More specifically, this emulator works with Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Mac OS and Mac OSX. Either install XMEye PC via APK or Play Store. Now just follow one of following methods to download and use XMEye for PC on laptops and desktop computers.

How to Download and Install XMEye for PC

  1. If you are using Windows, download and install BlueStacks 3.
  2. If you are using Mac, download and install BlueStacks.
  3. Setup your installed emulator according to the instructions explained in the guides.
  4. Now open BlueStacks or BlueStacks 3.
  5. Mac users: For BlueStacks, click on the Search icon and type the name as “XMEye and then click on the Search using Google Play. Upon finding the game in Play Store, install it.
  6. Windows users: For BlueStacks 3, click on My Apps > System Apps > Google Play Store.
  7. In the Google Play Store’s search bar, type “XMEye” and search. As soon as the game appears, install it.
  8. After the installation comes to an end, the game will appear in My Apps tab of BlueStacks 3 and All Apps tab of BlueStacks.
  9. You can now launch the game and follow the instructions given on the screen to play it.That’s all.

How to install XMEye for PC using APK

  • Download and save XMEye APK on your PC.
  • If you are using Windows, download and install BlueStacks 3.
  • If you are using Mac, download and install BlueStacks.
  • Setup your installed emulator according to the instructions explained in the guides. Now open BlueStacks or BlueStacks 3.
  • On Windows, double-click on downloaded XMEye APK icon.
  • Select Bluestacks 3 as a preferred app to open it (if it’s not already selected).
  • It will be installed automatically and you will receive notification when done.
  • Open Bluestacks 3 and click on XMEye icon. It’s now available for use.
  • On Mac, install Dropbox on Bluestacks using Play Store.
  • Open same Dropbox account on your browser or Mac and upload XMEye APK there.
  • Now open Bluestacks, download APK onto emulator and install it using Android’s APK installer.
  • Once done, you will find in the app drawer.
  • That’s it! Now you can use XMEye on Windows as well as Mac.
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For any queries, feel free to drop your message in the comment box below. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

XMEye: Google Play Store

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Mason Roy
Mason is a US-based application expert. He loves to try new applications and write about the worthy ones. When not working, Mason can be found playing COD Mobile or GTA V.

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