About Us

What started as a small venture of two guys, is now a world-renowned source for online tech support, reliable tutorials and an amazing source for discovering exciting applications. TechToolsPC is an ambitious project of Hayder and Usama. The core motive behind this project is to provide a unified source for the people to find the best solutions for their computers and other devices. Moreover, they can discover a lot of new applications here, that really boost up productivity.

We at TechToolsPC are always asking questions! There is no stopping it. What or how things are done and how existing stuff can be improved further. This type of curiosity has led us to various technological marvels that we’d love to share with the rest of the world. Whether it is something about troubleshooting, or advanced problem solving, you can find everything around here.

Folks at  TechToolsPC also focus on finding new and exciting applications that are like hidden gems. These apps really boost productivity levels. In addition to that, it gives a chance to new developers to make a name for themselves. We wish to provide a platform for developers in the best possible way.


Usama Mujtaba

A software engineer from Pakistan, dedicated to making a name for himself in the world of technology – Usama was never good at studies. The main reason being, all great people run counter to false traditions of society. While his parents, like most parents, wanted him to be a doctor or engineer when he would grow up, Usama was looking for something else. Usama’s aim has never been to do something for money, but to do something so great that he can help others around him. He realized it at an early age that if he follows the path set by his parents, he might never be able to achieve his goals. His first step in the world of blogging was Farmvillers. At first, as expected, he did not get any support from his family. However, he kept on working and soon his family recognized his capabilities.

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Hayder Ameen

Hayder has completed his studies in Computer Science but it was not always the main goal. A few years ago, he wanted to become a doctor by profession. However, his path has never been that simple. 

His first interaction with the world of technology and computers was the epic game known as Need For Speed 2. He started playing games at a very young age and did not take a break since then. Even though gaming remains his first love, he has ventured into other fields like Blogging, Coding and Web Designing. He completed his university’s final project in Xamarin, which was also featured in university’s final exhibition. 

Hayder loves to share what he learns. Therefore, he mainly loves to write blogs about technical tutorials, guides, application reviews and other stuff like that. He hopes to continue this work, that he loves so much. Stay tuned to keep up with his enticing content.

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